
Hey, besties. My name's Lisa.


And my name's Tamara, and we're BFFs.


Tamara and I met when we were about 12 years old growing up in good old Fairbanks, Alaska.


And we've been best friends forever since.


That's right. And that's why we've decided to have some fun, friendly conversations with the bestest of best friends.


We'll talk about how we became best friends, our experiences together, and have other best friends on the show to share how they met.


Who knows? You never know when you'll meet your next BFF.


Now let's get into it, how I met my BFF.


Welcome to another episode of how I met my BFF. Hey, Tamara.


Hey, Lisa. How's it going?


It's good. I think you're gonna see my boyfriend this week. Right?


I am.


You're gonna


see Eddie? Ed Ed Mhmm. From Pearl Jam?


Oh my gosh.


So jealous. You can make sure and pass him a note for me. Could you?


I'll do my best. Yes. I have many notes to pass to him, I'm sure. So What? Well, I'll do my best, but No.


He says, yes. Pearl Jam


is Just one.


Pearl Jam well, yeah. Pearl Jam is in Missoula this week, so very exciting and doing a bunch of political stuff as well




That they do, with our, senators. So lots of stuff going on, but yeah. So I will let you know how that goes. I'm sure we'll talk about it next week. How's your


day going? Wait to hear about it. Well, I'm I'll talk to you on Friday, so I'll get I'll get the insider scoop. In my world well, we I I did drop a little Easter egg last time that I had some news in our family and that is that Mark is opening up his own indoor golf studio. And we still don't have the website live, but it will be soon.


And it's in Lake Forest, California. Very exciting. And it's been a big project. I just looked up the date yesterday or, actually, no. I looked up the date today of when he found out that he was gonna start his own studio, and it was July 12th.


And it's literally, like, barely a month has gone by, and we already have the commercial space. He's got it pretty much built out. It is it's been gangbusters over here.


That's amazing.


But, yeah. We're gonna, we're going to be able to employ I don't mean employ because they're not gonna be employees, but we're gonna be able to provide a space for 5 other golf instructors to have their own business in the studio. So it's pretty exciting, like, that get to help people make money. I love that.


Absolutely. Yay. Well, that's cool. Congratulations.


Thing. Yeah. Biggest excitement in our world. Today, we have a fun fun guest lineup for you because we have Eleanor and Daniel. Eleanor and Daniel, welcome to the show.


Thank you so much for having us here. Good morning.


Yes. Yes. We're excited to hear your best friend's story. It's gonna be a juicy one, besties, because this is kind of your perfect scenario, honestly. I mean, I haven't heard the story yet, but I would imagine that this is something that's a gift that keeps on giving.


So, Eleanor, do you wanna give us a quick a quick version of how you and Daniel met for the very first time?


Of course. It was an email during the worst period of our lives or a very challenging period where there was a lot happening personally, professionally, and publicly, both in the world. It was in 2021. We were working in I was working in the worst site that I have been. It was toxic.


It was stressful. And I was tasked with dealing with a crane for structural steel in a construction site. And Daniel was on the other end of meaning to help me with that with that crane permit. So it started off with an email. And then as, you know, we related so quickly as to what was happening in the world at the time and the conversation.


We just texted, but then it was meant to be, and we found ourselves just speaking the same language in a time when no one in our world at the time was able to understand what was really happening for us personally, professionally, and publicly.


Okay. So wait a second. You needed a crane permit. Like, you needed to find a crane. You found a crane, but you needed to get permission to use the crane.


Is that that's


kinda weird. On that side.


He can get a tip.


What what a strange problem to have. Okay, Daniel. Tell us from your perspective. Yep.


So I worked for an airport and we have Oh, okay. Laws. And this crane just decided to pop up into the protected airspace. And so when we reached out to them and said, well, you need to lower that until we can go through the official legal channels, The crane operator put Eleanor in charge of managing that from the construction end, and I was on the aviation end.


Oh, that's so interesting. A problem one wouldn't expect to be in.


Not at all. Mhmm. And I was already not particularly happy in that job after a while. And and so with it, it was great to just meet someone who as we started just speaking about other things as well, we're on the phone just hearing what was going on in their life, like, in her life and what's going out in the world and stuff. To find peace with someone else was just and it was enormous at the time because, you know, 2020, 2021 was a very tough time for a lot of us, and Mhmm.


There are a lot of, you know, people that we did like, I lost, you know, connections with other people and stuff. And for Eleanor to to hold through, not only just hold through, but to get to where we are now was it just speaks volumes.


Wow. So so you were emailing. And then how did it go from an email to texting to talking? Because that's pretty serious situation, like, problem work problem. How did it go into the personal?


Eleanor, do you wanna share?


Of course. Because so much was happening in the world and we were trying to make sense of it. It was through the conversations, and we just started sharing, I guess, resources or information as to what was happening. And there was a period there between 2020 to 2021. We weren't really talking.


And then in Melbourne had the world's longest lockdown, things were really escalating here in 2021. And on the back of that, as there were so many uncertainties and policies coming out and all sorts of changes. Daniel was the the refuge, the one that I sought guidance with. And I called him. It might have been the day or just a couple of hours after I had a massive paradigm shift as to what was playing out in the world externally.


And he was just without second thought, I'm like, I'm just going to call Daniel, and that was a 2 hour conversation. And he gave so much peace and consolence as to what was happening. And I was just astounded that someone knew the depth of what was playing out and what was happening and could relate it to work and could give me just guidance and assurity. And then the conversations kept on going from there. We would message each other.


We hadn't met in person at this stage, but he would stay up till 4 AM in the morning, and we would be messaging each other about things that were happening in the world. And when, you know, we lost employment and we lost friends, and this person was saying this person, I would very comfortably go to him. That is not something that I have the ability to do, which is to seek help or seek refuge in another person. I've only known how to shoulder things by myself and present the strong front. And with Daniel, it was just so easy from the outset to even try and express externally what was happening at the time and the generosity of of wisdom.


It wasn't just information. It wasn't just facts. It was wisdom that I've never heard of before that was just being presented and so generously. And I'm like, who is this person, and what's happening?


So did you not know what he looked like? Neither of you knew what each other looked like, or did you because of social media or no?


No. That that's that's for you to answer.


I knew what she looked like. She's got a website and and everything. She's big on social media. I was, I was I was available, like, when we very like, at the very start. But before we actually started having real conversations, she I don't think


You didn't have social media?


But our email didn't also have our picture.


No. I


didn't know what it looked like.


So when you had, like, these conversations at 4 in the morning, you still didn't know that?


You still didn't know? Did. You didn't.


No. He Daniel had no social media, and I didn't know why at the time.


So, like, okay. This is you


know, this guy just has no social media presence whatsoever. He had one profile picture on Telegram, and he had a hat and sunglasses. So it was it was a wild guess from my end.


So you're like, okay. He's at least in the age range or he's at least not Yeah.


You can get that part out just because of the, you know, like, the work situation and, like, he could have been 4 like, he could have been 50, could have been 40. I had no idea, but it was through conversation that, like, maybe a reference was when I was 30 a few years ago, and then you're like, okay. He's 30 something now. But we didn't share any personal details at first either. It could have been anyone.


Oh, that's so fun. So then things became best friendly.


It was around probably 8 16 to 18 months that a lot of our connection was still forged on the external world and what was happening because we had experienced, like, the loss of employment and friends. And things were very turbulent and destabilized for us in the external realm. So a lot of the conversation was still about that. We shared very little of ourselves personally, which had nothing to do with one another, but that's how disassociated and emotionally shut down we were as individuals and the fear of letting someone in to see our darkness, to see the parts of ourselves that we did not like and did not wanna give light to. And for me, it was late 2022 that I started sharing more of my internal reality.


And then that was quite similar to how Daniel's live life template. Like, same same, but different. But the themes were so strong and were so similar, and we both found ourselves in our early thirties in a very similar situation, and that's what started giving each other the license and permission to start sharing. Because other than ourselves, we don't have a model or template for healthy conscious relating. And starting to share something, I would share something which I would be embarrassed about and the shoe would never drop.


The boomerang would never come back. It would never be weaponized against me. And then that would start giving license to start sharing a little bit more and a little bit more.




So I wanna hear about the first time you all met in person. And I guess, Daniel, do you wanna start us out with that?


Yeah. So, eventually, the lockdown ceased, and we decided just to catch up and go for a walk, because a lot of places were still closed. There weren't many places we could sit down or be without, you know, wearing a mask or or anything like that. It's so we just went to the park and just went for a walk together, and it was it was just wonderful. It was just an extension of everything we had done before.


Even how we sort of approached, how we related to each other, as Alonore mentioned, it was it was a lot more, like, externally focused and stuff to begin with. Neither of us were were looking for anything. We just wanted comfort. We just wanted validation. We just wanted some sort of peace within ourselves and assurance that we weren't going insane through through this period and just to catch up.


It it just it was magic in the sense that it just all felt right. It just there was no I've you know, I don't meet a lot of people, actually, but, you know, there there's something that's off about them or there's something that you're just like, why would they say that? Or there's just none of it. It was just it just all flowed. That's all I could really summarize it.


It was just wonderful.


So well, Eleanor, how about you when when you guys met in person in person?


That ability to have all defenses down. I've only ever known how to present as I'm a strong independent woman. It's like, no. I'm not under the surface. But with Daniel, I could lay down all defenses, and I did not have to try to be anything.


Now, of course, at the time, I didn't have the language to frame this, but that's what it was. There was no power dynamics. There was nothing to prove. There was no need to try and play a character or pretend that I know something that I have no knowledge about because he didn't place the worth on the external things as well. And that was also such a reprieve from needing to pretend to be something that I wasn't at the time.


But, again, I didn't know that at the time. So there was a lightness of being with Daniel, and it was unlike any friendship even that I've had at the time because the invitation was there. The safety was there, and that's not a currency that you think you need in relationships to have safety, but you do.


Definitely. Definitely. So then after meeting so by then, you're already kinda best friends. Yes? Yes?


And then


very good friends by the way.


Good friends.


We were best. You still had we still had to build it up.


Okay. And then how long until you went past best friendship to another level of romantic partners?


So that didn't actually occur until a past life regression that we had on holiday together this year.


Oh my gosh.


This is


a new relationship, romantic relationship.


So we were just friend and it was just building stronger and the energies were just building, building, building, And there was just so much comfort, but there were still walls up against, like, romance and love, in that sense. And I remember, you know, Eleanor had a a lady on a podcast and, you know, she decided, well, she does past life regressions. Let's go on a holiday. And I'm like, you know what? I've been out for a while.


Let's do it. And we decided to go and, basically, when I had my regression, all of my walls came down. And I'm like, oh, now I see what was the what was building the entire time, and I wasn't even aware of it because I'd already resigned that I didn't want a relationship in this life. It wasn't about Eleanor. It was I didn't want relationships.


It's just easy to be single, don't have to deal with it. And when I had the regression, I saw so far past those belief systems that I couldn't not do anything anymore. Something had to be said.


I have a question. So so a just to give some context. So my dad's life work was past life regression. So I grew up with with all kinds of opportunities to explore that. So what was the so this is kind of a specific question.


What was the particular purpose of that experience? Like, did they say go back into a past life or did they say go look into the future? Or, like, what was the direction of that of that experience?


Do you remember? Was quickly mentioned. Yeah. You'll share that. But the reason we went up there is that we have been on the the healing journey or the path to self reclamation over the last year.


And I felt that I was at an impasse And, like, I need answers. You know, the problems that we're facing, it's not that he didn't want a relationship. I've never had a relationship. And this is coming into your thirties. It's like, why isn't this the case?


But then as Daniel did, I was like, because I had excavated so much, I dredged up so much of my own shadow. I'm like, there is no way someone's going to come into my life and even accept all of this or look at this. So even the reason that I started the healing was also the reason that I'm like, this ain't happening. This ain't happening for years. I have to clean myself up completely.


So the the context as to why we did a regression was like, we need answers and I you know? And just needing to get out. So yeah. Go on.


So is it more along the lines of, like, I wanna fix or heal whatever's going on in this life from the past? Was that generally the the okay.


Got it.


Yeah. Yeah.


We had challenges and needing answers. I know the thing is that sometimes if you have bigger problems in life that keep playing out or things that aren't moving when they should you know, Eleanor mentioned, you know, thirties and no relationship. It's like that's there's something deeper going on there. Yeah. And usually the conscious mind just cannot figure it out.


The conscious mind typically is the one who set up the walls to begin with. Absolutely. And sometimes there is past life stuff that come into it as well. So I'd actually had a previous one last year, which I think sparked the interest as well to look into it again. I very much struggled for it because I couldn't get my conscious mind out of the way, but I was able to practice this time around and and be really prepared.


So I was able to go much deeper, and that's when I'm just like, I see what's happening here, and I see what was happening over years that I could not see and I could not really tap into the feeling enough. Because otherwise, I've things might have been different. But as the regressionist said, it was divine timing, and we think it's nothing less than that.


Absolutely. Yeah. You were, like, brought in right at that intersection together. Wow. So what do you I get usually, what we'll ask best friends is what do you love about each other?


Like, what are three things that you love or appreciate about the other person? So, Eleanor, do you wanna share 3 things that you appreciate and love about Daniel?


The things that came to mind was his divinity. The experience of someone who is too big to be this small is just it it's life essence. And that may sound, you know, fluffy, but you roll everything up. It's the ability to experience the divine without and then so within. And do you have someone that is so safe that really wants you to be all of who you are?


You know, there's there's so much freedom in our relationship, like, so much love and so much freedom. That's the foundation of it all. And that is the thing which I personally crave the most in relationships is freedom. And then, of course, the the love is a grand expression of that. So it is the divinity.


It is the freedom and just how divine and powerful he is as an individual, and that was something that I was how he spoke and what he knew and and how he knew. I'm like, it never made sense to me as to how someone who knows as much as he does about their cold and their esoteric and consciousness exploration is where he is, and he saw the same within me. So it is those qualities. It is truly the divinity within.


Wow. And, Daniel, what do you love and appreciate about Eleanor?


First of all, it was just her presence. There is to start off, there is nothing she needs to do to influence me. Just being there is having an enormous effect, and I don't know how that's happening fully yet. All I know is it's there. The presence definitely is just an enormous one.


She's a very pretty face


too. I can't deny it.


Like, something to look at just that that's the icing on the cake as well. And Oh, that's beautiful. And it's just the fact that, as she says, she she needs and craves freedom, and I also need my own version of that as well. We're into astrology as well, and we both have Uranus, which is freedom of expression in the 7th house of relationships. And so we both align there just to be able to go right.


We need to have our own space. We need to be able to do our own things and that respect for each other. I think respect really is the theme there to allow ourselves to still be free to be who we are without suffocating or smothering the other as well. That's a big part of what I was against with relationships as well. Not only the the the toxic side of it and stuff, but, really, it's just when they become too, too enmeshed or too, too close, in a sense that the individuality is lost.


Mhmm. So as long as the relationship is built on that, you can go as deep as you like as long as you still have some sense of individuality.


Yeah. Well, Tamara is our expert astrologist.


Well, I, yes, I have thoughts on it and ideas and some knowledge. But, yeah, I wanted kinda back to the past life thing. Just I had a question. When you did the regression, so it was a past life you both had together, Would you can you go like, when was there a time? Is it back in history?


What time in history? What were you you know, how do you were you guys was it together a past life?


So no. It was done on separate days, and I'll give you a very quick overview. Essentially, when we went to Queensland, we went to a market, and there was a a tarot reader. And we decided to get it, see if we'd had any past lives together. And he did a reading, and he had one where we were lovers.


And, essentially, we died tragically and not of old age. Together. Together.


At the same time.




So that left us thinking. And that night, I actually took up a tarot deck as well, and we we did a reading, and we we got some answers as well. The the outcome, we did a Celtic cross, and the outcome of that was the 3 of swords reversed. The fear of losing each other.


That was for this lifetime.


That's in this lifetime because we were not sure, like, well, what does it mean, and and where do we stand now? And so I had the the regression first the the day after we arrived and the day after the market and that tarot reading that we did. And it was that night that I realized I have to say something. I can't I can't lie to her. You know?


I have to say something. And we were just talking, and then it just sort of went in that direction very quickly, and it all came out so quickly. Within hours, I'd already mentioned the l word, and I couldn't help it. I was sitting there shocked to the what I was saying because the higher self was still present after the regression. It lingers for a few days.


And so I said I said it, and I'm just like, what did I just say? And then Eleanor in the session then just


Eleanor, yeah, was your how were you feeling when he was sharing that? Were you on the same page at that point?


Absolutely. But a big part of my work like, my healing journey has been coming back to the body. And you start paying attention as to how come I wanna be close to this person when we're in a crystal shop, and this person just offers so much peace within. And, yeah, we were sitting there, and I don't remember the conversation or the lead up other than him asking, so do you think we should try something between us? And then there was a micropause, and that was all systems getting into alignment, and it was the easiest yes that I have ever said in my life and which didn't make sense because we're so conditioned that things need to be hard and you have to fight for them.


And it's going to be a struggle, and it's all sorts of things. But when you start something based on truth and harmony and and love, then it is meant to be easy. It can be easy rather than it's it's meant to. And we do past life hypnosis on each other. Do you wanna share what the heart said?


So we asked the yeah?


You said.


Okay. So in we asked the higher self questions when we put ourselves under hypnosis. So as a curiosity question, we asked if our hearts knew if we were the people for each other when we first met and Daniel couldn't even get the question out and the response from the higher selves was, of course. And our hearts had to work very hard to get us to that point of being able to to come together in in our union. So it was this single handedly easiest and best decision that I ever made.


Wow. What a beautiful story. Oh my gosh. I love you guys so much, and I just met you.


Thank you. It's wonderful to share and relive this. And, you know, we came from again, we we didn't come from a background where relationships were easy. We don't know what it was like. Even friendships for me were difficult.


And that whole arena was just one massive struggle town, and we got the gift of each other because we honored the path and the work, and we also held out. You know, we didn't accept half baked models, and we see a lot of people just settling or compromising and just that's the heart's held out because the heart's new.


Can I just add on that as well? It was with the regression that Eleanor did on me, a few weeks back when the higher self mentioned that you are a gift to each other and the overwhelm. I don't feel intense emotions that I can't control myself, but in that moment, there was a groundswell and then a flood, and I could not hold myself stable in that moment. And to have that reaffirmed in a later regression, I remember saying, we love, like, we love hearing that every single time. And then the higher self said, we're happy to tell you every single time.


Wow. Wow. That's so beautiful. And now if I'm correct, you're helping other people with their own love. Is that true?


Am I correct in that?


Love is a part of it, but we did start our business, Truth of You. And this is massive because I had an attempt at business and it failed for so many different reasons, and it had to. And a big lesson for me is I can't do this alone, and I don't also want to do this alone. And for me, I wanted an everything person. I didn't like the idea of compartmentalizing.


Like, you know, he would go out and do a 9 to 5, and I would just do this, and we would leave lead separate lives. Like, he can be individual, but lives can be completely combined, and that's what I wanted. I wanted the everything, everything person, and that meant business. And not many people have that appetite or that interest or even a a joint mission. Like, you as you both in your own respective spaces, like, there's so many things that need to align in business alone for it to work, let alone make that your whole life.


So we recently launched our business, truth of you, and we position ourselves as heavy duty consciousness workers and and guides because like us, the problem seemed so simple on the outset. But we needed to go higher and higher and both deeper and deeper in our perspectives in order to extract ourselves, reclaim ourselves, understand ourselves, and to be able to then offer that for other people whether those problems are in family or whatever arena that falls into. But what we also found through exposure to different practitioners is that it wasn't integrated enough. It wasn't holistic enough. There was always a piece missing.


So given that, you know, we've had mystical experiences and and gone back in time and through time and so many different experiences to seek to understand how is it that we haven't been the center of our reality, and how do we get back in as the center of our own reality and taking more of that spiritual paradigm and that spiritual lens. You can speak to them.


And can I just add on that as well that what we're really trying to build the business to become is one that is more integral in its approach with spiritual things? It's not one model or another, one language or one style. It's trying to bring all of them together to help the individual realize that they exist and they live and they can change their reality beyond any model, beyond any language. They're just tools. You know, no one shames a carpenter for using a drill over a screwdriver.


No. It's a it's the same thing. The right tool for the right job is a is a phrase that I've started using because I realized that, you know, simple and and easier challenges require easier solutions, but the really tough ones, especially like on our own journey because we had so many walls up and and so many barriers. As I said, I really struggle with my first past life simply because I could not relax. And it's the the environment was great.


I don't see why I couldn't, but that was a problem with me that I've come to learn as to why and and, you know, how we can teach others really or figure out why they're not to begin with to then begin to know how to help them.


What what's the is the website the the truth of you or truth of you? Tell me the website.




Okay. Truthofyou.com.au because you're in Australia if nobody knows this. Yes. Yes.


Yeah. You I I'm so happy we got to interview you tonight even though I think for you guys, you're a day ahead of us. But it's a super, blue full moon, a sturgeon moon, and, an Aquarius. So it seems very fitting that we interviewed you, had you on tonight. So thank you so much.


That's lovely. And wow. I it's funny. I that's been coming up a lot for me lately as far as wanting, you know, to have a partner. I'm trying to take over a winery and run that as a business.


And I just you know, in my thoughts for a number of years, I'm like, oh, any everyone wants to run a winery and do this. Like, I want a partner too to help me with that. Maybe not necessarily romantically. I would love that as well, but beggars can't be choosers, I guess, and or whatever. And, but, it would so I totally can relate to just, like, wanting a partner and the passionate thing that you want to do in life.


So that's great that you've been able to find that.


Yeah. We're just gonna ask if Daniel had a maybe an older brother for Tamara. He wants to run a winery in Montana.


He wants to live in America. Yeah. I don't know.


We never thought that we'd be those people. Like, we went to an event on, on Saturday, and we were the people that we were like, I want what you have or, like, what you guys have, and they were feeding off our energy and just I never thought we would be that person or us. You know, people asking us for relationship advice. It's like, I never would have thought reality. Like, even just having this conversation in this context.


You know? I also lost my voice because of many not physically, but energetically. I lost the ability to speak and just being able to sit here and have this conversation of this nature with you both with Daniel. It's it is I it is beyond this was beyond my wildest dreams.


Oh, wow. That's so cool.


And he's the only brother in the family. So


Wow. Well, that's okay.


He's got 2 sisters. I was trying to


say. Energetically, there's another person who's, you know, has these qualities, who's ready for Tamara just to Yes. In a different in a different body.


The universe knows. The heart knows. You just have to know how to connect connect with them.


The university needs to pick up its momentum here. So, anyways but, yeah, I agree. I I know it. I'm still trusting of it, but, man. Oh, man.


So it's okay. But so our kind of usually, we wrap up, our podcast by asking you both most of the time our guests are in different places. But since you are together, what are you 2 gonna do for fun when you when we finish this podcast? What are you gonna go do?


We have another podcast after this, but Daniel is a phenomenal cook. I am so blessed. Carb wise, all all the I he's a phenomenal cook. It is an expression of our love. Well, his love for me.


I eat. I do the eating.


And I do the cooking. Yes.




But it's it's something that is so nourishing, and we also forget that, you know, how you know, food isn't meant to be. Just throw it down and and be unconscious about the eating, and it's a way for us to also just connect. And and and it's another form of expression, and we take so I take so much joy in that for sure. So Daniel will be cooking, and I will be eating.


That is so beautiful. Well, thank you, Eleanor and Daniel, for being on our show, sharing your story. I am sure that it will inspire lots of besties out there listening. And as we always say, you never know when you are going to meet your next best friend. It might be because something's in the what was it?


The air zone or the


The air space.


The air space, illegally. That could be your ticket to everlasting love. You never know. Yeah. Bye, everybody.


Thank you so much.


Have a good rest.


Thank you.


Hey, bestie. Thanks for listening. If you like this episode, be sure to hit that subscribe button to get notified of new episodes and check out cool Bestie gift ideas at how I met my bff.com.


That's right. And also, leave us a review. Those reviews help us out a lot and are one of the best ways to support us.


Yes. And if you have a fun story about how you met your BFF, send us an email at info at how I met my bff.com. We would love to hear about it.


Definitely. And, hey, maybe we'll have you on our next episode.


That would be awesome. Until next time.


Love you, BFFs.